UConn football coach Jim Mora accused his counterparts at other programs of tampering with his players in a strongly worded social media post on Monday.”A simple note to the schools and coaches that have blatantly broken @NCAAFootball rules by tampering with our players in the last 24 hours,” Mora, 63, wrote on X. “We do know who you are, we will pursue all avenues to hold you accountable. We are excited that we’ve built a program where coaches have to cheat to beat us and we will protect that program. Think hard before you tamper with our players. #justgettingstarted”Mora’s Huskies beat North Carolina 27-14 in the Fenway Bowl on Saturday. Because of their postseason participation, his players have until Thursday to enter the transfer portal. His statement implies fellow coaches aren’t waiting for players to do so.He doubled down in a reply to a comment to his post on X.”Not sure how we fix it, I do know we don’t ignore it. We will expose any program and coach that violates @NCAAFootball @NCAA rules by Tampering with our players,” he wrote. “It makes players anxious, it puts a dent in the lessons parents have taught them about honesty and integrity. I’m 100% for the Portal and NIL/Rev Share. I’m 100% against grown men cheating the rules and teaching players horrible Life lessons.”